We provide post-award, project deliverables documentation, which consist but not necessary of the following:
1- Develop & obtain approval of Project Execution Schedule (Premavira P6 & MS Project) – all levels.
2- Develop & obtain approval of Project Execution Plan (EPCC & testing)
3- Develop & obtain approval of HSSE plans, procedures and forms (i.e. HSE Management Plan, Emergency & Spill Response Plans, Regulatory Compliance Plan, Socioeconomic Plans, Local Content Plans, Risk Assessment etc.)
4- Develop & obtain approval of Quality Plans & Procedures (Project Quality Plan, QA/QC Plans, ITPs, Interface Management, Risk Management Plans etc.)
5- Construction specific Procedures & Method Statement, Survey Prpcedures & Reports Topographic Survey Procedures, Reports etc.
6- As-built drawing package
7- Final Documentation Dossiers
For inquiries contact: pmc@delta-east.com